Mattress Cleaning
Professional mattress cleaning involves experience and knowledge, which we have plenty of. Pollen, dust mites, and bacteria like to hide in millions of places. They can be found in your carpet, drapes, air ducts, and even your mattress. Bed bugs can also be found on mattresses, feeding on human blood.
It has been proven through research that mattresses that are not cleaned annually will have between a hundred thousand to ten million dust mites. SteamKleen’s mattress cleaning services kill the mites that feed on dead skin cells while we’re in sleep.
We are confident that we have the best mattress cleaning services in the GTA. Go to bed with a piece of mind as your health is protected. Moreover, children often enjoy sleepovers, which bring in bacteria and pollen from another home. Washing the sheets is not enough to provide a bacteria-free environment.
How do you deep clean a mattress?
Well, at Steam Kleen, we clean your mattress in a way that your family has the strongest defense against allergens that can create health issues. Our HEPA filter removes up to 99% of fine particulate soil, down to 0.01 micron. This is good news for family members with sensitivity to poor indoor air quality. Give us a call for any questions you may have about your dirty mattresses.